The Refresher course
Refresh and improve skills & knowledge
Your last dive was a long time ago and you might have forgotten many things? Or you are diving regularly, but would like to repeat a few skills from your previous courses? Then we suggest a Refresher (SSI Scuba Skill Update).
This two dive course is perfect to get both your theoretical knowledge and the practical application improved. Even though you might still remember how most things work we think a refresher is always a good idea if you haven’t been in the water for over a year or longer. Some things might have changed in that time and it is always a good idea to get an instructor to bring you up to date again.

On our standard refreshers we start with assembeling our equipment together and do a detailed briefing/theoretical refreshment. After that we will go into the confined water and practice all safety relevant skills (mask and regulator clearing, emergency skills…). Once this is done we focus on buoyancy and getting back into diving. Of course we do a debriefing after each dive to make sure you know exactly what to change and what to practise on following dives.
But we can basically refresh everything you would like us to: deploy smb, rescue skills, etc. – once in a while its good to refresh courses that you might have done years ago. Divers learn a lot and gladly usually don´t use for instance rescue skills, however its best to have them updated once in a while to have them ready in case you need them one day. Safety through repetition is very important and its the divers responsibility to make sure they not only have their buoyancy right, but also their skills in case things are not perfect one day.
When should i do a refresher?
A refresher is tailored to certified dives, that need to refresh their skills. No matter which certification level you already have. In general, every diver can do it, but the following list gives you an idea when its recommended the most:
- if you haven´t dived for more than 1 year and less than 30 dives
- if you haven´t dived for more than 2 years and less than 50 dives
- if you haven´t dived for more than 5 years (no matter how many dives you have)
- if you want to refresh specific skills (rescue skills, deploy smb, mask skills, etc.) of a course that you have already finished
- if you realise you are struggling underwater or feel unstable
- if you lost your confidence and want to gain it back
- 2 dives
- Insurance
- Equipment
- Theory
- Practical application