+34 629 508 100 info@daivoon.com
Continue your training!

Become an advanced diver

Continue after the Open Water Diver course and gain the skills and experience you need to dive more advanced divesites on Lanzarote.

You can tailor the SSI advanced training programs to your individual needs. To continue after the Open Water Diver you have two options:

1. Continue with SSI Speciality courses:
Choose from a big range of speciality courses. When you complete a certain number of specialties, you’ll automatically earn the:

SSI Specialty Diver (2 speciality courses and min. 12 dives)
SSI Advanced Open Water Diver (4 speciality courses and min. 24 dives)
SSI Master Diver (4 speciality courses, Stress & Rescue, min. 50 dives)

Advanced Open Water Diver
2. Continue with the SSI Advanced Adventurer course

The Advanced Adventurer gives certified divers the opportunity to try out five different specialty courses, by doing one dive on each topic. You can extend your knowledge and also your depth up to 30m, if you choose the deep dive to be one of the 5 dives.

If you want to do a full course on a later date, one of your adventure dives will be counted towards your full speciality course.

At Daivoon we recommend your Advanced Adventurer to include Deep (up to 30m) and Navigation to get the most of your diving. This leaves you free to choose 3 others that spark your interest. Most common ones are: Nitrox, Perfect Buoyancy, Night, Photography, Search & Recovery and Wreck.


Advanced Adventurer


Min. 10 years
Min. OWD certified
Online theory materials
5 adventure dives (i.e.: Deep, Nav, EANx, Perfect Buoyancy +1 more)
International certification
5 dives
Depth max. 30m
Duration: ca. 3 days (8am – 3pm)

from 330€

Advanced Open Water Diver


Min. 10 years
Min. OWD certified
Online theory materials
4 speciality courses (i.e.: Navigation, Deep, Nitrox and one of your choice)
International certification
8 dives
Depth max. 40m
Duration: ca. 4 days (8am – 3pm)

from 550€

Deep Diving

Safely extend your depth all the way down to 40 metres.

EANx Nitrox

Learn how to increase your bottom time and/or your safety margins.

Perfect Buoyancy

Improve your buoyancy skills and get more confident under water.

Night & Limited Visibility

Come and explore the dark side 😉


Learn how to navigate even in the murkiest of waters.

Wreck Diving

Learn everything about wrecks and how to explore them.

Stress & Rescue

Improve your safety through training of rescue techniques. Learn to identify and handle stress.

React Right

Learn everything about medical first aid, CPR and O2 for divers.

Dry suit diving

If you want to stay warm, even in the coldest of waters, this is the course for you.

Science of Diving

The perfect speciality for anyone who wants to understand more about the science of diving.

Photo & Video

The perfect course for all those who want to creat lasting memories.

Equipment techniques

You will learn how to properly use and take care of your equipment.

Search & Recovery

Learn to search for lost items and how to recover them, using special equipment and techniques.

Boat Diving

Learn how to dive from Boats, so you can see all the lovely reefs of the world.

Dive Guide (Non-Pro)

Become more independent and learn how to safely guide your diving family through the water.

Decompression Diving

Learn to conduct decompression dives in the 40 meter range and handel deco stages!

Independent Diving

Learn to dive independently wether that means alone or independent of you buddy

DPV Diving

Learn to safely use a Scooter underwater to move more efficently.

Computer Diving

Understandmore about decompression theory and what you computer does

Recreational Sidemount

Learn to dive with two tanks ina Sidemount Configuration

XR Sidemount

Learn to dive sidemount with more than two tanks

XR Foundations

Your Gateway into technical diving. Learn all essential skills

Extended Range

Start your technical diving career with two Backgas tanks and one decompression stage

Advanced Wreck

Learn more about Wreck diving and penetrating wrecks!




No matter which course you want to do, register with SSI and connect to Daivoon Diving Centre.  Once you have transferred the fees for the online materials, we will unlock the course materials. You can start learning directly on the SSI website or by using the MySSI App.

SSI - Scuba Schools International - my.divessi.com - Register Now

Daivoon Diving Centre SSI