+34 629 508 100 info@daivoon.com

Tips & Tricks you won’t find in any book

1:1 Trainings & Workshops

If you ever feel unsure about something or want to practise your skills, be sure to ask our team members. We offer 1:1 dive training (1 instructor with 1 student). Just let us know what you would like to practice, and we will tell you which of our instructors is best suited for the job. It can be any topic – even if you are scared of water in general we can practise and help you to feel comfortable.

We also offer Workshops (also for pros) to a huge variety of topics diving and non-diving alike. Whether it is about properly servicing your drysuit or doing battlefield repairs to save a dive, we like to share our knowledge. Not all the workshops include in-water training but no matter which you choose you will learn. If you already have some basic knowledge about the topic, we will do some more advanced stuff and if you never heard of it before we will start with the basics. So if you want to practise some of your skills or improve your knowledge let us know. In these workshops we will try and show you the little extra bits we learned trough our experience that you won’t find in any book.

We at Daivoon believe that individual training can help any diver grow and reach that next level. No matter if you are a beginer or an instructor, there is always some new things to discover or just looking at different ways to do things.

Workshops Daivoon Diving

Examples for 1 on 1 training


  • Reduce your air consumption
  • Mask training
  • Buoyancy, Trim, Finning Techniques
  • Refresh Rescue Skills
  • Get over fears in diving (depth, darkness, caves etc.)

Examples for Workshops


  • Battlefield repairs
  • Dry Suit repairs
  • Photo Editing
  • Stage handeling
  • Stress management underwater

Do keep in mind that this is not meant to substitute a course. You WILL NOT get a certification! And all in water training will be done within your certification limits.

Workshop Dry Suit
Individual Training
Workshops Daivoon Dive Center