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  3. Las Coloradas

Las Coloradas

  • Max. 18 m
  • Boat
  • Min. OWD
  • Playa Blanca
Playa Coloradas
Las Coloradas looks like a long bridge (puente) across the sea bed that lies at around 16 meters depth.

From the dropping point, you can dive in either direction, keeping the ´wall´ on either your left or right side. The topography of the rock formations were sculpted by the lava flows that were once dominant on the island, making it a really popular place for morays and shrimps to hideout!

There are marvelous anemones and a break through as well, which gives you great opportunities for pictures.

Being quite a shallow boat dive with a maximum of only 18m, makes Las Coloradas an excellent dive for both experienced divers and beginners.

If you want to dive this divesite, drop us a line and we will arrange something.

Las Coloradas Playa Blanca