There are 3 main diving areas in Lanzarote:
- The adventurous north: If the wind is not too strong, we can dive in the north. The entries are from a rocky coast – some more – some less adventurous
The north is only possible for qualified divers, some divesites even only for advanced divers.
- The allrounder in the middle: The divesites in the middle of Lanzarote offer everything: shallow reefs, deep reef walls, caves, wrecks and many overhangs and holes to explore. There is something for every diver, which is why its ideal for holiday groups with different qualification levels.
- The easy yet beautiful south: Most of the divesites in the south are within a 20m depth range. This is why its great for beginners, open water divers and photographers. But also for all of you that fancy a relaxed and easy divesite. This is where you can relax and simply watch big shoals of fish and even rays or angelsharks in the shallower area.

Playa Chica – bay
End of Reef
Blue Hole
Orange Coral
Charco del Palo
Charco Natural
Puerto Moro
Punta de la Pared
Playa Jablillo
Costa Teguise Reef
Lost Kinckers Beach
Los Ancones
Playa Flamingo
Las Coloradas
El Emisario
Harbour Wall Wrecks
Black Beach
La Pared
Richies Place
End of Reef – Playa Chica
Large shoals of fish, grouper, barracuda, trumpet fish and a pristine reef wall to glide along – perfect for more advanced divers.
Playa Chica – Bay
Playa Chica is the perfect bay for beginners or courses. It is full with fish and marine live like anemones, crabs, seaurchins and much more.
Orange Coral
This dive site for advanced divers guides you along a beautiful reef wall to an orange coral. Great for photografers.
Blue Hole
This spot leads to a breakthrough – a tunnel-like formation snaking down through the top of the reef wall. Enjoy a dive through the lava.
The cathedral is a large cavern – about 10 m high, wide and deep. Home to a spectacular array of sponges, slipper lobster and cleaner shrimp.
Charco del Palo
Charco del Palo offers a diver all their heart can desire: Various species from large to small, tunnels, caves and stunning rock formations.
Harbour Wall Wrecks
The harbour wall wrecks are a beautiful dive site. With wrecks at 18 and 30+, large Rays and Angel Sharks there is something for everyone.
Playa Jablillo
Our wonderful house reef: This dive site is perfect for beginners, courses, night dives, snorkelling and a photographers paradise.
Black Beach
Black beach is a dive site in PDC. It also goes by the name of “Casa Chucho – House of the rays”, because the area is home to rays of all shapes and sizes.
Playa Flamingo
Playa Flamingo is an easy dive site in the south of the island. You will find loads of fish down there. With a max. depth of 18m its ideal for OWD divers.
La Pared
La Pared is spanish for “the wall”. Now you can already imagine what you will find here – an amazing reef wall with a nice drop.
The reef of Fariones is a divesite situated betwen Playa Chica and Playa Grande. Here you can find a mesmerizing reef wall.
Richies Place
Richies Place is a dive at the Playa Grande with a beautiful canyon-esque structure for us to explore. This divesite has a lot to offer.
Waikiki is a part of the Playa Grande in Puerto del Carmen and one of Daivoons favourite boat dives. Any advanced diver will enjoy this.
Charco Natural
Charco Natural is a beautiful divesite in the North of Lanzarote. It has loads of beautiful natural structures and lots of marine life.
El Emisario
El Emisario is a divesite in Playa Blanca. Big schools of fish and many other marine life make this boat dive a joy for everyone.
Las Coloradas
Las Coloradas is a beautiful divesite in the south of Lanzarote. You will find loads of anemonies, fish and also bigger marine life.
Atlantic museum
The first underwater museum in Europe is certainly something special. Not only does it offer those unusual sculptures, but also a lot of marine life.
Punta de la Pared
Punta de la Pared is a dive site in the north of Lanzarote. With a Canyon and a great reef wall, it is always worth visiting.
Puerto Moro
Puerto Moro is a divesite in the north with a tricky entrance. But once underwater you will find some of the most beautiful caves, tunnels and lava tubes.
Lost Knickers Beach
It is a beautiful dive site for experienced divers in Costa Teguise. Reef wall, overhangs and loads of marine life to explore.
Seta is a divesite just next to Fariones which is named after it`s mushroom shaped rocks. Seta has many small crevices to explore for you.
Costa Teguise Reef
The Costa Teguise Reef is a lovly divesite with an abundance of caves to explore for the more advanced divers.
Los Ancones
Los Ancones is a rarely dived divsite in Costa Teguise. Here you can find a large seaweed meadow with loads of little animals hiding inside.